1 Thumb knot or The overhand knot holds a central role in the world of knots, serving as the foundation for various other knot types, including the uncomplicated noose, overhand loop, angler's loop, reef knot, fisherman's knot, half hitch, and water knot. This knot is particularly effective as a stopper on its own, offering exceptional security to the extent that it can become difficult to untie. It is ideal for situations where a permanent knot is required and is frequently employed to prevent the unraveling of a rope's end. By joining its loose ends, the overhand knot transforms into a trefoil knot, a true mathematical knot. Additionally, it can be adapted, smoothed, or mistakenly tied as a half hitch The overhand knot holds a central role in the world of knots, serving as the foundation for various other knot types, including the uncomplicated noose, overhand loop, angler's loop, reef knot, fisherman's knot, half hitch. d wat er knot. This knot is part...